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Metal · Glass · Wood · Easel

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Metal Prints
$40.00 $28.00

Metal prints are made by transferring images onto specially coated metals that give your photos rich color and detail with excellent durability.


Glass Prints
$40.00 $28.00

Photos on glass prints have a translucent effect, allowing light to shine through the glass and enhance your image. The front features smooth beveled edges and the print comes display ready. Display near a window or light source for best effect.


Wood Prints
$40.00 $28.00

These eco-friendly prints feature your image on natural maple wood. Each print comes ready to hang. Images with light or white areas will allow the natural wood grain to show through.


Easel Prints
$40.00 $28.00

Perfect on tables or desks, easel prints are a unique way to showcase your favorite photos. Your images are transferred to a high-gloss hardboard panel, creating vivid color and sharpness.

Printing Process

Before anything, images are color corrected to ensure your photos look there absolute best. Images are then sent to our production lab where they will be printed and adheared to your chosen product through sublimation. Once completed and checked for any flaws, your order will be carefully packaged to prevent bending or breaking. We will either give you a call to let you know your order is ready to be picked up in store, or it will be given to our shipping department to be sent out to you.

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We strive to provide every customer with high quality imaging products as efficiently and beautifully as what we would expect.

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Locally owned and operated since 1974